Insights of Investigative Techniques

Property Surveillance

Property surveillance for security purposes is available for private and commercial properties. We do not provide guards. Our surveillance team conducts discreet surveillance with sensitive monitoring and observation equipment to document theft, vandalism, unauthorized entry onto property, destruction of property, employee misconduct. We coordinate our efforts with law enforcement when needed or work completely private. This is at the client’s discretion.

Unlike guard services, a property surveillance team can convert to discreet mobile surveillance and follow suspects leaving a property. This is useful to continue documenting evidence, identify suspects, and develop intelligence. Property surveillance may require testimony at a later date if the client decides to take legal action. Our surveillance team members and investigators have been testifying for more than 30 years and will be available for your case.

For Property Security Surveillance services, please call or use the Contact form link below to reach a surveillance specialist.

Property Surveillance

Property surveillance for security purposes is available for private and commercial properties. We do not provide guards. Our surveillance team conducts discreet surveillance with sensitive monitoring and observation equipment to document theft, vandalism, unauthorized entry onto property, destruction of property, employee misconduct. We coordinate our efforts with law enforcement when needed or work completely private. This is at the client’s discretion.

Unlike guard services, a property surveillance team can convert to discreet mobile surveillance and follow suspects leaving a property. This is useful to continue documenting evidence, identify suspects, and develop intelligence. Property surveillance may require testimony at a later date if the client decides to take legal action. Our surveillance team members and investigators have been testifying for more than 30 years and will be available for your case.

For Property Security Surveillance services, please call or use the Contact form link below to reach a surveillance specialist.

Insights of Investigative Techniques